"April, 23rd 1999
To Dad
Since I have nothing to do now, and it's boring... Plus the last time I send you the letter on my interests in psychology which you said you like it. I think may be it's a good idea to tell you what I'm studying and what my interests are in right now. Also because you are my dad, therefore, it may be a interesting thing to know what is going on in your son’s twisted mind.
I : Of my interests in Mathematics and the general concept of Physics
First of all... Believe it or not, I become ,some how, obsessed with Mathematics,
I just had my report card today and I had 96% in Calculas. Amazing enough,
I am top 5 in the class. Mathematics used to be so bored for me. Until
I took Calculas with the best math teacher I ever had. As you could see,
I love anything with a very abstract and imaginative concepts such as Philosophy,
Science and Economics or even Poetry. Calculas is the type of those characters.
It took me beyond the realm of classical concepts, it’s strange and some
what fascinating. In Calculas, one does not follow the same unchangeable-routine
as one always did in elementary Mathematics, but one would feel like there
are thousand of possibilities one could process through the problems. It’s
very imaginative nature which could not be appreciated in Elementary Mathematics.
The concepts in Calculas is so strange that we laugh in almost every period
we have. It’s like magic of human mind. As Pythagorus said that the true
nature of universe is mathematics. Even in ancient Jewish mysticism and
magical system which called “Qabalah” based on the whole idea of mathematics
of the personalities of the universe.
I, which always have the interests of philosophy,
see that in order to have a great understanding of the universe without
Mathematics is somewhat almost impossible. Probably the reason I start
to like Mathematics again is because the way Mathematics was taught in
USA. They based all the general calculation on the calculator. Therefore,
the most important thing is that of the concepts, how to solve the problem,
especially in Calculas, the hardest part is to start! They are more interested
in the abstract process of solving the problems more than of how to calculate
every thing by hand. Which, in fact, why would you created the calculator
anyhow? With this concept, it allow the students to go through the incredible
world of abstraction , which, some of the problems would be almost impossible
to solve by hand. This very world of abstract mathematics interested me.
It’s as mysterious as philosophy and occultism. One of the great problem
which I had was that I could not really understand Superstring theory with
out the great knowledge of Mathematics. You already knew that I study a
lot of Quantum Physics and Relativity via the non-Mathematics books. I
could understand all basics concepts of Quantum Physics and Relativity
because I could visualize it and use my logical deduction process from
the experiments that I read. But the problem came in when I start to study
the theory which combine Quantum physics and Relativity together, Quantum
physics and Relativity themselves are not compatible in 4 dimensional Mathematical
function (Length, Width, Depth,time) which are not independence to each
others. Superstring theory combined the two by exploring beyond 4 known
dimensions. For example, it is very fundamental to understand that before
we could have our 4 dimensional universe , it had to start with 10 dimensions.
You see, since the Mathematical function of dimension is not the same as
the fictional dimension which we always read about in the Fiction books.
Dimensions in Physics is some thing like this, if you have a box of 6 in
width, 5 in depth, 7 in length. The co-ordinate mathematical function is
6 * 5 * 7 which allow us to say that its volume is 210. In the same manner,
the dimensions of time is simply multiply and represent its co-ordinate
point in 3 dimensional graph. In the similar manner, other dimensions added
to the co-ordinate system in the same manner. Einstein himself supported
the idea of this (beyond 4 dimensions) since it is compatible and seems
to be the only way to develop his general theory of Relativity. My point
is, since the concept is beyond 4 dimensions, I can not visualize the true
picture of that reality since my brain is limited in this 4 dimensional
mode. Even to use the Einstein’s symbolize picture of the space-time continuum
map would not lead me to any way, since the picture itself presented in
3 dimensions. Therefore, my only way to explore this realm of knowledge
,which is my life long quest for my own understanding of the universe,
is to understand the very advanced mathematical concepts of Superstring
theory. Since the education system in USA allowed me to explore some of
the abstractness of advanced Mathematics, it bring me a great joy as much
as I had when I truly understand the basics concept of Buddhism last 2
years ago. So, it seems like this long paragraph just intended to show
you my interests in Mathematics.
II : Of my interests in Economics
and Politics.
III : Of my interests in
IV : Of my interests in
Occult sciences.
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