People in modern society tend to think that Occult as a whole is the product
of a long development of superstition. They thought that we are in the
age of science and technology and we should not waste our valuable time
for the study of occult sciences such as of Magick, Divination, Witchcraft,
Mysticism and astral projection. They thought those persons who study those
subjects are but an superstitious ignorant persons, a person who is so
illiterate enough to study Magick. (If you wonder why in the world I used
“K” in the back of Magic. It is not of my ignorant in vocabulary but from
some linguistic stuff (probably got it from you). This English word
derived from Latin words in -ic- or Greek words in -ik- were commonly spelled
-ick- in English, when the pronunciation had the "k" sound, well into the
late 1700's. But were spelled -ic- in English when the pronunciation changes
to an "s" or "sh" sound. Thus: magick, magicks, magickally; and if we had
a verb "to magick," its forms would be magicking and magicked. However,
only magician, never "magickian," because the pronunciation in this word
is not "k", but "sh" (for Americans) or "s" (for some English). After about
1800, people started dropping the "k". A good example of an English text
with the "k" still used as I described above is the first English
translation of Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy (1651)
which fortunate enough, I had the revised version.) I do not blame them
for their false attitude toward occult science but I blame the society
as a whole to developed this attitude, especially the intellectual section
of society.
First of all I should start my first defense
on Magick by eliminate the idea that “only ignorant study magick”. I do
not say that ignorant persons do not study magick, they do. The difference
is that the ignorant is not able to understand high magick or what known
as “Ceremonial Magick”. In western magickal tradition, the highest of all
magic is that of “Ceremonial Magick”. It contained a complex system of
magick which require years of studying to understand the system. It require
a huge study on history and secret tradition. It based mainly in Jewish
Qabalah (QBL), Egyptian magickal system, mysticism and European secret
traditions. Each of them is as complicated as modern mathematics, especially
on Qabalah. On Qabalah alone it took me 3 months to understand the general
concepts of it. The strange thing is the similarity between Qabalah and
Buddhism or even modern physics. Although, Qabalah based on the monotheist
concept, with a careful study, one could interprets its god as the single
mind of the universe which emanates into all earthly illusions which parallel
to the “Anatta” of Buddhism. One should always remember that Buddhism does
not eliminate the idea of magick or other planes of reality. It simply
just tells the true nature of all realities which are but illusion.
My point is the magickal philosophy is very deep and difficult to understand.
The people who study high magick are not ignorant. Just look at the history.
Would you call Pygathorus, Plato, Thales, Moses, Apollonius of Tyana, Solomon,
Charlemagne, Leonardo DaVinche, Benjamin Franklin and even Carl G. Jung,
an ignorant person? They all involved in the study of occult science especially
Magick, Alchemy and Astrology. Jung himself wrote a book called “Mysterium
Coniunctionis” as his conclusion on his study in occult science and its
relation to psychology. Even Buddha studied Indian’s magickal systems.
As the basic idea of magick is to unite the microcosm (Human’s mind) with
the macrocosm (Universal Mind), therefore, it’s concept does not violate
any proved fact in science.
Let’s look at my development on Magickal interests.
I, as the same as any other kids, am very interests in Magick since I was
very young. I was influenced by those fairy tales such as King Arthur and
Merlin. The older I get, the less I see the possibility in Magick. From
6th to 9th grade, I total disbelieved in Magick or any Occult sciences.
I remained to think that any body who study magick is superstitious and
lack of scientific knowledge. This all changed after I understood the concepts
of Quantum Theory and Relativity. Once I get into Superstring theory, I
could see the big possibility in Magick. I still very skeptical until I
came to the understanding of EPR Effects and Bell’s Theorem in Quantum
physics. It put me into a firmed ground of possibility in Magick. The key
is that of EPR Effects and Bell’s theorem seems to conclude that
1. There is no true separation between the observer
and the observed, another words, what we think or the fact that we observe,
influenced the events or reality. Therefore, the wall that separate outer
and inner seems to be destroyed.
1. The events and the mind seems to connected
in such the way beyond the 4 dimensional universe.
1. If EPR effects happen because of the exchange
of information between the two particles, then it must exchange the information
(in term of energy or signal) in such a way beyond the 4 dimensional universe.
Since, the signal could travel faster than the speed of light (according
to Einstein’s theory of Relativity.) and both particle run away from each
other at or near the speed of light in a opposite direction. Yet, once
one particle changes the momentum due to the interrupted of Electro-Magnetic
field, another particle changes its momentum in the opposite fashion at
the same time the other particle changed its momentum. Only realistic way
to approach this problem is to assume that they exchange some sort of information
(by “exchange” here may not mean as human exchange our information but
the change in space-time continuum or other possibilities.). If they (particles)
do that, it must be with a greater speed than the speed of light because
they run away from each other at the speed of light. Therefore, it must
exchange the information with at least 2 time faster than the speed of
light. This can not be done in 4 dimensional universe because it violated
the equation of Relativity. Therefore, it must traveled in another unimaginable
dimension or it does not really travel at all if we think the ultimate
reality is that of single great mind that emanates the illusion of space-time
into our human’s perception.
Now, the important part is that if there is no
different in the observer and the observed (EPR #1). And we could see the
universe is but a connected single mind or connected beyond 4 dimensional
universe (EPR #2). Then, there is no true differences between mind and
matter in the ultimate reality. So mind has a direct effect in the change
of physical reality. Since the ancient goal of magick is to unite the microcosm
with macrocosm in order to create changes according to the will, Magick
and Physics are in the same agreement.
Up to this point I did not mention the concept
of collective unconsciousness yet, let’s proceed. Collective Unconsciousness
is the concept presented by Carl G. Jung based on his research on human’s
mind. He found that we all seem to share some sort of the universal memory,
at least to our family and tribes. There was a scientific experiment that
supported that recently. The more recent theory assumed that actually everything
in this universe share the same mind or memory, at least in this world.
There were recently many scientific experiments that supported this theory.
In order to explain this concept in full length would be impossible in
this short article, however, I’m writing the article called “The possibility
of Magick, according the Relativistic-Quantum Physics, Superstring theory
and Psychology” which, deal with this topic in a great length.
Then what do we have if we integrate the
ideas in Physics we discussed above with this Collective Unconsciousness?
The answer “Magick”. This make more senses when we look back to our ancient
history and ancient exceptional achievements on the knowledge of science
which we just recently rediscovered, such as those of astronomical knowledge
of the Egyptians. How could we explained the occult phenomena such as of
those experiences in Meditation and other magickal records all over the
worlds? Simply just our ancestor’s fool imagination? May be the prejudices
in Magick prevent us from the study of this transcendental science. It
may be the last and most important science which we forbidden its development
because of our own lack of knowledge. May be after all… It’s the last secret
key to the true understanding of the universe, the true study of the universal