For my Autobiography, travel experiences, family. For my interests in Physics, Math, Psychology, Occult Of my interests on Math-Science, Psychology, Economics, Occult. Psychology of Freud, Jung and Religions Book Reviews and books that changed my life. On occult, Magick, Conspiracies. My Economics & Politics theory and interesting articles. On music theory, classical-progressive rock

Welcome to NeoRenaissance, The realm of wholistic knowledge.

    The goal of this site is to introduce the readers into the realm of wholistic knowledge or the connected knowledge.  As many could see, our problems in humanity development have the root from the fact that most of the people don't understand the connection of knowledge, they think that every fields of wisdom is some what separated. Once a person could not see the connection, one could not make a discision according to the equilibrium connection of universe.  This site, therefore, presents many fields of knowledges in its great connection which would lead us all to the understanding of the balance of nature.

TOPICS on this site.

    My Autobiography in a short, poetic versions, my travel experiences. Also about my family.

Introduction to my interests on Math/Physics, Economics/Politics, Psychology and Occult Science. 
    The Article on my intellectual development.

On Musics
    Midi(s) of Classical - Progressive rock, including some biographies of great composers. Also has the music theory part.

On Modern Physics, Philosophy
    Quantum physics, Relativity, Superstring theory. Western and Eastern philosophies.

On Religions & Psychology
    Articles on Religions and Freudian/Jungian Psychology.

On Economics & Politics
    Articles on Economics and Politics, especially Marx's theory. Theory of Reflexivity (George Soros).

On Occults
    Articles on Occultism, mostly concerns Western mysticism and Magick.

Travel Experience
    My travel experiences.

V-ShocX : My Rock Band
    My progressive rock band in Thailand.

Books that changed my life
    Many books that change my life.

Books reviews
    My books review, English litteratures and modern litteratures.

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Copyright (c) 1999 By Sunit Shrestha.