These books are those which have a great effect on me, I am not who I am today if I never did read these books.
Science & Philoso
S c i e n c e & P h i l o s o p h y
The Brief History of Times ...
by Stephen Hawking ; This book is about the universe which mostly concerns
macroscopic scale of reality. (Big Bang and its fate, Black hole etc..).
I had the first copy of this book when I was in 6th grade, since then,
I was a very curious person and I was very interested in this book. Unfortunatly
I didn't understand most part of it. Until I was in 9th grade, I read the
book again, which I understand most part of it only because it made me
to did a some study on physics for a while. The book itself is so great.
Again, feeling of academical enlightment will be yours once when you understand
the books.
Human and Ideas, The unity of Life
and Universe.... by Dr. Prasarn Tangjai; These books are a series which
use quite easy explanation. It's very good for the overview basics of these
areas of Knowledge. There are only avalible in Thai. The areas which the
books cover are modern physics, eastern religions (especially Buddhism),
Biology (mostly on the origin of life), Ecology.
The secret of the great pyramid Peter Tompkins ; The best thing about the book is that it use a
solid proof of its theory based on History, Mathematics, Geometry and Astronomy.
It's very detailed for everyone even a mathematicians. It's a very good
source because of its large amount data contains in the book. For a person
who want to really know about Pyramid without any unsolid speculations
as we could see in many books. This lead to the idea that of the missing
links of a very advance civilization on earth. This book really drag me
into the world of Aercheology. This is the best in line!!!
The Dancing Wu Li Masters
Gary Zukav ; It contained a great deal of quantum physics without any mathematics.
I could say that this is very good book to start with for the quantum physics.
It would be better for a non-physicist to read this book before reading
The Tao of Physics or any of those applied Quantum Physics books.
Being and Nothingness Jean
Paul Satre ; Best book for the philosophy of existentialism.
The essense of Buddhism , Human
Guide Bhuddadhas Phiku ; The greatest small book on Buddhism.
Approach Buddhism interm of philosophy, religion, science without any fairly
tales of Heaven and Hell or those stuffs.
Tao The Ching ..... ;
One of the best ancient writting on Taoism.
Misteriorum Coniuctionis C.G. Jung ;
This book is the result of his study on the psychology and religions (Occults).
It contains a good possibility of the existense of will/mind power. It
is a very complex understanding in this matter. Everyone who want to understand
the deep psychology of this matter should read this book.
Utopia Sir Thomas Moore. This book had
impact the world's thought and political system for many time, basicly
it's a heavenly society. Also one should note many interesting idea on
politics here.
Economico-Philosophical Manascript
Karl Marx ; What can I say, just read it, no matter one is socialist or
capitalist or both, it's not going to be a disappoint one. Infact, a very
well analysis of economical and political events and theory but quite radical
Paradise lost .. by John Milton ; This work
is beyond comprehension, essencially this, in my opinion, is the best advocate
for Satan (Lucifer) ever written.
Hamlet William Shakephere ; This book
truely represent the deepest emotions of human being, many interesting
cultural scence. (Click to read my review)
The old man and the sea ; Ernest Hamingway
; Very clear emotional picture on every verses he used, it's about human's
will. The conflict of Destiny between human and animal. The value of the
The little prince ....... ; This is my
favorite book, the greatest thing about this book is that the use of easy
words to decribe a very deep truth of life. To seek of one own's true will.
I almost cry at the end of this very tiny book. (Click to read my
Romeo and Juliet William Shakephere
; This had been my great passion since I'm very small, I love this story.
Though, I think what Romeo and Juliet died for was not true love but it's
the great story anyway. The wording in this book is so granceful and perhaps,
the easiet to read Shakephere's book. Conclusion : All problem could solve
by love. (Click to read my review).
Johnathan Livingtons Richard Bach ;
Great philosophical fiction. The book shows how one does not need to be
the same with all others, the path to seek enlightment, freedom and responsibility.
Illusion Richard Bach ; Another very
good introduction to the understanding of the power of human's will. The
will which indicate one's self understanding.
One Richard Bach ; At first it may seen
pretty strange, but it's like the fiction which describe the same thing
about the reality of time. in the Quantum physics point of view.
La Miserable ...... The best book on
the concept that no matter how one used to be, he can change oneself to
what one desire, whatever the original motive was. This book could inspire
you to change into the more creative-self. (Click to read my review).