I had told you about my interests in Psychology briefly. Here is the detailed
one. My interests in Economics derived from my original curious of universe
and human’s mind. As it all started from the game called “Civilization”
which I played while I was in 6th grade. The game forced me to understand
the general knowledge of western-history and wars. From this point, I really
buried myself into many books on wars in Europe. Some how, I reached the
point where some questions popped up in my mind, “How could there be so
many wars and yet, we all want peace” “In what way people think?” In order
to understand the answer, I studied the philosophy of war, which, eventually
leads me to pure philosophy and religion. At this point, my childhood question
arisen again, what is the true nature of universe and human mind? The philosophy
and religions standpoint to this question do not satisfy me because of
its transcendental concept. I turned to Physics. It took me around 2 years
to understand the basics of Physics’ concepts. From Newtonian to Relativistic-Quantum
Physics and to Superstring theory. After all of these studies, I came to
the same conclusion as my studies of Buddhism and Taos told me. I could
understand a lot of books on Buddhism and Taoism better with the background
on Physics. Yet, I felt that I was still in the dark mist of wisdom. I
beware and understand the outer world of physical reality very well but
I have no understanding of the inner world (mind) at all. At this point,
Psychology came into the picture when I was in 9th grade. First I almost
abandon my study in psychology because the general psychology is so boring
and does not really covers what I was interested in. Until I accidentally
read the concepts of Sigmund Freud. I was very interested in his theory
on id, ego and superego which parallel to the concept of consciousness
and unconsciousness. I was amazed when I applied the concepts into my every
day analysis especially on my friends. I was shocked by the fact that I
could understand the way that mind work as I never did before. I felt like
I found the key to the understanding of human’s mind. After the shock period
was over, I could see a lot of mistakes in Freud’s theory and many that
I disagree with him. Yet, I’m truly thankful to him that he had opened
my understanding of human’s mind. I still continue my study in psychology
on the path of Psychoanalysis. I become more and more evolve with Jungian
theory. In general, Jung’s psychology make a whole lot sense to me than
of Freud. I continue studying on psychology with out any specific field,
this is the factor that I lost some of my interests in psychology. Until
I found his theories on Collective Unconsciousness, Archetypes and synchronicity.
It immediately remind me of EPR and Bell’s theorem in Quantum physics that
gave the possibility of all connected and beyond 4 dimensional universe.
These theories confirmed the possibility of my own idea of reality in the
level of metaphysics. It seems like now every thing that I studied before
have a beautiful and perfect connection. I am right now exploring the concepts
of Collective Unconsciousness, Archetypes and Synchronicity very seriously
In addition, the person who truly influenced my whole scope of opinion
and interest in Psychology is Erich Fromm. If not because of him, I would
probably read Freud or Jung. One of the most influential books I ever read
is “Escape from the freedom”. I finished the book when I was around 14
years old and it truly opened my interests in Psychology and Sociology.
It is the first time that I saw the dialectic (dynamic) explanation of
human behaviors. Especially the dynamic connections between individual
psychology and the evolution of the society. If a person would want to
buy only one book on psychology and ask me, this book is it. Erich Fromm
made the greatest connection, in my opinion, from Psychology to Social
Science (especially Politics and Economics). As mentioned above on my interests
in Economics, I believe that in order to understand the situations of economical
events, which lead us to build up the theory to make a process of prediction
or others. We need a very great understanding of how human mind work especially
the part of the connection to society and decision. Since, the economical
events do not represent the true state of Economical situation according
to Classical economics theory, the only way to develop our previous Economics
theory is of the study on those immeasurable factors, which are surely
relate to human’s psyche. In shorts, the very next important step on the
understanding of Economics is to establish a great connection between these
two great realms, Economics and Psychology. Or even better, to understand
the holistic connections of all events in Universe. But it would require
a hard work on all human intellectual concepts, and would be very difficult.
The sad thing is that many people would read the whole article with a great
interests but once caught up with “Or even better, to understand the holistic
connections of all events in Universe.” They would think that I am out
of my very mind. They will think it’s too dogmatic. I really want to ask
those people to study all things in holistic view and they would understand
what I’m talking about. May be the next topic would even more bizarre in
general public’s eyes.
IV : Of my interests
in Occult sciences.
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