The Problems about Juedo-Christian God.
By Sunit Sherstha.
Document no. 3

     This essay was written for the purpose of presenting the contradiction of the concept of Juedo-Christian Supreme God. There is no attempt to eliminate the concept itself, but to be a good reference for any one who want to study the contradiction of the Juedo-Christian thought either to protect or to eliminate the concept of Juedo-Christian religion.
 Before we go any further, we should understand some concepts that really shifted human interests into science. Although there is many factors that concerned, such as the growing of economy, the decreasing faith to the churches, the coming of renaissance. Another great factor is that human could not possibly prove the existence of god by a true logical or scientific methods. Especially the Juedo-Christian god. As far as my logic go, there are 6 main problems.

1. If god created everything, what or who create god?

In the book of Genesis (1:1 – 2:25) and so as many other places state that god create universe and everything. If so, who create god? How could god exist where there is no other mass or matter (his creation) since the space and time is not a separate property of reality? (From scientific theory of relativity by Einstein). Where could god be if there is only time but not space before he create all things which this concept itself is not possible due to the fact that there is no real empty space but the density of the field according to quantum physics and relativity. This concept that “in the beginning god create the universe” came from the primitive idea of ancient time, they thought that time and space are separated, therefore, god is the beginning of the universe.  That make sense from the beginning of human civilization until Albert Einstein discovered the theory of relativity in the beginning of 20th century that is a fact now.  The theory states that space-time are not separated as we thought which eliminated the concept of absolute time of Sir Issac Newton. Time is just another dimension of reality as well as other 3 dimensions (length, width, height). Therefore, god could not create a universe before universe itself exist because since space-time are un-separated dimensions, there is no room for god to create anything before that. If you don’t quite understand the last 2-3 sentences, don’t worry. You could find some good book on relativity and quantum physics for a non-physicists to help you understand.  I recommend “The dance of Wu li master” by Zukav which is the great work on the matter. “Relativity” by Einstein, it may cause you a little bit of a headache but it is very original and with some knowledge on Calculas, you could prove the theory buy yourself mathematically.  Anyhow, what we discussed before leads us to the problem of “Who created God?”.

2. The time line in the bible.

    From the book of Genesis (again). It states that god created this world with in 7 days. We all know that the age of earth itself is more than millions of years, and definitely not 7 human days. But one could argue that the “day” in the bible is not what is in present day meaning. In the ancient time they may use different system of calendar. In order to argue back this “argument”, one may study the system of calendar used in ancient time. But there is another easier way to demonstrate this. Also in the book of Genesis 5:5-32, 9:29 states that Adam died at the age of 930 years old, then it states all about the ages of Adam descendants and on 9:29 about the death of Noah at the age of 950 years old. Now let the spirit of simple mathematics come to us. We now have more than one time line, both written by Moses, both from the same book (Old testament).  As we knew that earth was created in 7 Bible days which we don’t know how long it is comparing to present day. We also have time line of Adam’s descendants which also in the bible days. Moses, the author, believe to received the knowledge of the god himself to make the bible state the truth. Therefore, if we relate two of the time lines, we could estimate the present-day time it took to create the earth.
  We all know that from all the ancient human’s evidence we found, we could assume that even the very first human being could not lived for 900 years old due to the physical anatomy. As we compare Adam to others in the bible (5:5-32) he seems very old. As we guess, he probably was around 80 years old (present day time). Now we obtained the great proportion of Bible-time and Modern-time as 930 to 80, we knew that good took 7 bible-day to create earth. So by using simple algebra we could calculate the estimation of how long 7 bible days will be in term of Modern year.  So we obtain the equation of 930/80 = (7/365)/x , the reason for the number 365 dived the 7 is because of that we want to compare and arrive at the answer in term of years. Now we must find the value of “x”. So “x = (7/365)*(80/930)”. The value is 0.0016497 modern year and since 1 day out of 365 days in one year is equal to  “1/365” year or 0.002739 year. That mean god created earth with in 0.0016 year which is impossible due to all the scientific evidences. All matters and lifes on earth could not form itself with in just a little more than half day. We could apply this to those people who state that god may not create universe all directly but he made a blue print of the universe and created some point of the universe development such as big bang and let it unfold itself according to his great blue print which is the law of physics. But from what we obtained by calculating the proportion of Bible-day vs Modern-day, earth could form itself in millions of years not just 0.0016 of a year. Therefore, there are 3 choices for them.
 First, accept that some part of the bible are not accurate which, if they do, nothing in Bible really mean anything because any part of the Bible could be unaccurate, all traditions such as Baptism, the teaching of heaven and hell could also be unaccurate.
Their second choice is to ignore all these facts and scientific evidences and follow every words in the Bible with total faith (total blindness).
Their third choice, is very simple but usually not the case, to dismiss the concept of Juedo-Christian god itself.

3. The problem of evil. (Sin).

    This question of this problem is that where do the choice of wrong practicing or evil practice or sin came from? Is the bible, it’s clear that all malpractives are inspire by Satan or Lucifer as in John 3:8 “But if you keep on sinning, it shows that you belong to Satan, who since he first began to sin has kept steadily at it”. Because Lucifer committed the sin against god by rebelled to him. (Isaiah 14 : 12-15). Which is where sin originated. This reasoning from the Bible seem to make sense in the first thought but as we think more about it. The big problem arise, even for human, choice of sin emerge from the rebel of Lucifer but what about Lucifer’s himself?, where did he get his choice from? Since god is an all good creator, nothing bad could come from him, how could Lucifer chose the choice that no one, even god, was capable to create? Before there is any choice there must be the path or a way to support the its emergence. So as the choice of good and evil. God definitely ,according to the bible, could not create the “evil-path”. Since the choice of evil could not come from god as one of his creation, but it is exist now and if all things were created by god as one of his creation (no matter physical or not). The end of this reasoning is that the evil choice must, respectively, exist before god create anything. This reasoning violated the famous verse of “I’m alpha and omega”. Again, if god created every  things but while he didn’t create any thing yet, how could the evil choice exist, since nothing exist before him? This problem is a kind of a problem which has the dead end question which let only 5 ways of solving it.
1. Dismiss the idea of all good god, accept that he may has a evil respect which allow him to create to choice of evil. But this is in a great conflict with the bible and again if one accept it,  bible would has no reliable interpretation.
2. Dismiss the whole concept of Juedo-Christian god.
3. Dismiss the idea that god create every thing, again, if one accept this, it will drag one to the prior question “ What or who created god?”
4. Believe every words in the Bible with a total faith.
5. Let’s forget it.

4. If god know the future, present and past, why would he still created us (on earth)?

    In order to answer this question, let’s look at some words from the Bible. “And your father who knows all secrets will reward you” (Matthew 6:4) “Remember, your father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him” (Matthew 6:8) “You (god) know this because everything I do is known to you”  (Psalms 119:168) “His understanding is unlimited” (Psalm 147:5) “For he alone has all wisdom and all powers word events are under his control” (Daniel 2:20-21)
All these verses could be conclude as he know every thing, all wisdom. Therefore, he know all future, present and past. As in Psalms 199:168, everything I do is known to god, so god know all events of us before we would even do it. So the chronicles of time was determined by god. The system of time is fate according to the bible. Just as Shakespeare said we are all performing in the big stage, we are just performing in a big story written by god which already have the end, but we would never know the end of the story.
Yet, even it’s quite clear when really think about the determinism of god according to the bible. There is still a very important and a conflict of the concept of “the freedom of choice”. Most of the Juedo-Christian traditions elieve in this concept. For them this life is the test of obedience, of choosing between good and evil, god and satan. They believe that we all could choose by ourselves. And yet, most of them believe in fate. It’s not a big problem for them because they just simply didn’t really think about it and say that it’s beyond human’s understanding and it’s no use for them to think that way because to believe is much more important than to understand or to questioning. The bible states “the lord is fully aware of how limited and futile the thought of mankind are, so he help us by punishing us” (Psalms 94:11-12). This verse total reject the ability of human to understand anything at all. Free will is such a main part in the system of their belief. The bible states that “And no temptation (from Satan) is irresistible, you can trust god to keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can’t stay up against it.”  (1 Corinthians 10:13). But another big question arise from the dawn of faith again, how could a person still have a free will or freedom of choices if the future is determined? One could not choose any choice by oneself if one’s future is already determined according to the bible.
The universe is only but a big story which was written by god, and we are performing exactly what the plot go right now. He created me to write this message in order to test you, may be! Who could tell? Am I the instrument of Satan? And again, he already plot that what will you think as you read this line! And yet, from his words in bible, you and I have the choices to choose!! And yet, he known what we shall choose, another word, we will choose according to his plot. Before god create a real world, he create his plot of his plan. He has his plan for everything. Since he know the fate and he is also a creator, therefore, he must plot some one to be a unbeliever and some one will definitely go to hell or as the bible said “And they will be tormented with fire and burning sulphur in the presence of the holy angels and the lamb, the smoke of their torture rises forever and ever, and they will have no relief day or night.”  (Revelation 14:10-11) It seems sadistic isn’t it? If this is not sound scary or conflict enough, let’s consider this “But if a person isn’t loving any kind, shows that he doesn’t know god – for god is love.”   (1 John 4:8)
There are so many places in the bible which state that the love of god to human is the greatest love of all. IF you just think about what you read for the last few paragraphs, it’s in a very deep conflict. God know the future because he created it. God also love human so much, yet he still give human the worst unimaginable pain and sadness which is every where in the real world, from ancient to this very moment you read. From New York city to the most remote area in Tibet or Nepal. The conclusion is that god know the fate, our choices, and he love us. This conclusion contradicts itself. The more we think, the more we could really think of human as just the toys of god.
5. The absolute happiness.

    Every tradition of Juedo-Christian religions believe in the perfection of god. Also they agree on that god will grant them the absolute happiness as the bible state “And god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes ; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain ; for the former things are pass away” (Rev 21:4) Although, the idea on how this will be done are different in each traditions.
The one who follow the way of god shall be grant with absolute happiness, therefore, one will be perfect. For one has no unwillingly feeling any more. This also seems to make sense in the first thought, but it’s not in the long run. What is perfect? According to the bible, it’s “god” as in “your father in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). Now consider this, according to many places in Bible, he is very emotional. He got angry on a lot things which created many large consequences, such as the flood to kill all people except Noah and those who listened to him as in “And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die” (Gen 6 : 17,18) and in many other places show God’s anger. He also has his kind of sorrow as mention in 2 Cor 7:10. And surely he has his pleasure in many things.  If even god is emotional, how could he grant any person an absolute happiness which is to live without sorrow and anger?
If one really look at the word “happiness”. Does it mean real happiness according to the bible? IN the new earth and heaven everything is so glorious, beautiful and rich with gold and everything. And still we have to obey and worship god (according to Revelation to John). This seems so earthly richness to me, it’s still full of desire. For even in New earth and heaven, there still value the richness of gold and jewels which created greed in our current world now. Even if god could take all this evil feeling away from the people of his new kingdom. Still, people would like and enjoy it of its beauty, for if not, there is no reason for god to put those richness in his new kingdom because there will be no more test of temptation. Once a person enjoy something like those treasure that person is in some way addicted to the treasure, one may doesn’t want to own it but one would like to see it. At this point there is a desire, of demanding more, even just to see. Then, one would try to find the access to enjoy the treasure again. This is a form of silent sorrow. Once there is a demand, there is a sorrow because one is not in the perfect peacefulness.

6. Anti-feminist ?
    God in the bible has so much human characteristics as we discussed before. Bible’s god who reflects the situation of the society in the ancient time. Such as the idea of male superiority could apply to god as a male, not female. God created man first and they create a woman from the man’s rib. Eve is the one who ate the forbidden fruit first then she asked Adam. At this point, the bible really make the image of a woman look bad. And even worst when god cursed here. Yet, the bible states “You shall welcome your husband’s affections, and he will be your master”. From any standpoint “man” is superior than “woman” in the bible.

     From our 6 main problems with god, one could expand to thousands. No matter the reader want to protect, eliminate or any other things, let’s consider all the points I made carefully in order to argue or develop. For no one know the truth, even one do, one could not prove it to others by scientific methods. Just as one could not prove one’s feeling to the others. What human could do is construct the concepts accordingly to the reasons that back one’s concept up. It all just come to this point, “faith” with reason, or “faith” without reason.

Additional Explanatories of this article.
 - Concerns Time & Space according to the theory of Relativity. (How can god create universe before its existense ?)
 - Concerns The infinite cycles of universe according to Big Bang - Big Crunch model. (Is there any place for creator? )
 - Concerns the misconception of nothingness according to Quantum physics. (If there is no god, how could we exist?)

Copyright © 1999 by Sunit Shrestha.