I am very satisfy that my small essay on “The Problems about Jeudo-Christian
God” started some sort of intellectual debates among the readers. Since
then, some asked me to write the Comment and explanations on the last text
due to its technical aspects of Quantum Physics and Relativity. Let me
first address that my intention of the last text was just for the fair
guild line for a student who would like to study the conflicts in the bible
in order to either protect or argue against the very heart concepts of
Christianity. One who wants to protect could study the work and work on
some further studies in order to eliminate my original arguments. One who
wants to ague against Christianity could also study the essay and develop
it into the better arguments.
My personal belief is that no human which live a normal life could gain
the ultimate truth. I believe that the ultimate truth is beyond the scope
of our ability if we do not truly devote ourselves into the great attainment
as Christ, Buddha, Muhamut or others did. As a normal person, one can reach
one’s own understanding of ultimate truth by logical deduction which relative
to the knowledge of each person. Other words, it is true that
we can not reach the point of the perfect knowledge but we could use theories
and logical data to shape our own opinion of ultimate truth. For
example, we do not really know what is the smallest particle that made
the paper since the scientists discover new smaller and smaller type of
particle every year but we use our logical deduction process to eliminate
the false possibility such as we know that the modern paper does not made
by Uranium. It is even a very acceptable theory that there is no smallest
particle since the particle is our own concept of dividing thing. It’s
the same as I try to divide the number of 28 by 2 and divide the answer
again by 2 (or any number). I will receive the answers of 14, 7, 3.5, 1.75,
0.875, 0.4375 …….. (forever). There is no end to my process of dividing.
Same as the particle I started with Matter divided it to Molecule to Atom
to Neutron, Proton, Electron to Meson to quark to……… We may find the different
relations of different kinds of particles but the main concept remain the
same. With this conclusion we knew that our body consists of infinity possibility
of the types of particles. It seems like we live in the reality which made
finite out of the infinite.
Although I do not believe in some sort of supreme perfect being (god) as
derived from the words in Bible because of all conflicts and many things
that do not make sense to me, but I do not go against the idea of believing
in God. Since I believe that I can not reach the ultimate truth by any
means, the person who believes in god has the full right to protect the
idea of god’s existence. I think we can debate forever in this topic,
the result would be of the great intellectual development of the process
of dialectic logical deduction. It is my strong belief that no matter how
long we debate, we could not reach the point that could say one is right
and other is wrong. Even god himself appears before the person that
does not believe in him, that person could say that “god” is the collective
force which collect its existence since the ancient world, it’s still not
the highest level, the appearance of god or the feeling of uniting of god
could view by the Buddhists and many other Taoists as the state of mind
before its highest, before the nothingness. Before the attainment of Nirvana,
the total destruction of all illusion. This point of view is not my own
personal creation but it was described in great length in many ancient
Eastern mysticism books, especially by Buddhism. This view is also adapted
by some of the ceremonial magician especially Aleister Crowley. It
is as if we set up the debate between Jesus Christ and Buddha, both claimed
to know the ultimate truth, both with the length stories of miracles. I
think no one would win the debate because every one has one’s own idea
of ultimate reality and since it’s beyond our 4 dimensional reality which
is how we perceive our reality, no one can prove one’s own ultimate reality
to others.
Let’s continue into our further explanation on my last essay. I found several topics that require a huge study in order to understand the concepts. My explanations to these previous topics would be just the detailed out line of the study on each topic rather than to explain all topics in one short which would take at least a great big book to explain it in fully detailed and even that, it’s only my idea of limited explanation.
1. Of the problem on “The beginning and the end of the universe” and the concept of “ Everything has its beginning and its end”
First of all let me present you the realms of knowledge that we would enter. Anything concern time and space must be explains by Theory of Relativity if one would want the good understanding on the subject. Since this topic deal with the macroscopic problem of universe of its origin and its end, we have no way but to enter the very concept of Big Bang - Big Crunch and superstring-quantum universe.
The problem which is the integration of both problems above is that of “God is the first and the last, he create everything.” After such a problem, new problems arise, “So god is the beginning and the end of the universe?” after a great concentration on the problem. My approach is as present below.
Question : Why do there
has to be a creator?
Answer : Because we are
here! If we are here and the universe is here then somebody must create
the universe.
Q: Ok, then who create
the creator?
A: Well… god is the beginning
and the end (alpha and omega). Therefore, no body create god. Or… there
is a god of god who created this god in this universe. (Mormanism)
Q: Amm… Who create that
god who created the god? The god of god of god?
A : ????
As you could see, this approach
come to the dead end.
So I start another approach.
May be after all the problem is not about who creating what, BUT THE RATIONAL
Q : Where that I get
this idea of that “something must creating some thing if not that thing
would not exist” , another words “ There must be the beginning to everything”.
They are not just statements
but a reasons. Where did I get these reasons from? What is reason?
A: The reason is what you see many many time in your life which could be called “experience” After some period of time, when one event always act that way, you adopted it in your brain and think that it is a “reason” because it’s “true” and I can prove it.
Q : But!!! Is there any
reason that used to be true but not anymore?
A: Yes, there are a lot
of reasons that used to regard as always true without any exception. Such
as when a ancient person throw the rock up to the air, with in a few seconds,
that rock would fall down to earth. This is one of the most un-challenge
reason for a very long time until human sent the rocket out from earth.
Until we discovered the true nature of universe. Until we know that
this reason does not apply to all events in universe. The only reason that
rock fall into the earth is because of the gravity. This is an example
of the reason which used to be un-challengable. As you could see, “reason”
consists of our collective experience in this reality. As same as an example,
any reason could be challenge by the new understanding which based on our
dialectic logical deduction process. I must say that although all reasons
could be challenge but that doesn’t mean that there is a possibility that
human body could remain immortal. It is against all rules and our understanding
of Biology. What I am saying is that we should question every known reason
and use all information we have to reconsider that “reason” whether it
is still valid or not according to our new knowledge.
Since the idea of “something must creating some thing if not that thing would not exist” , another words “ There must be the beginning to everything” are nothing but the reasons we derived from our limited experiences. Let’s look at the new knowledge that would change the idea of Newtonian physics that normal persons have.
I think it’s the good time to start our journey to the Theory of Relativity. First of all, I would not present any mathematical concept which underline the theory itself. The reason to begin this journey is because I want to destroy your reasoning of “Creator” before all things. As I use my own excerpt of the previous essay.
“This concept that “in the beginning god create the universe” came from the primitive idea of ancient time, they thought that time and space are separated, therefore, god is the beginning of the universe. That make sense from the beginning of human civilization until Albert Einstein discovered the theory of relativity in the beginning of 20th century that is a fact now. The theory states that space-time are not separated as we thought which eliminated the concept of absolute time of Sir Issac Newton. Time is just another dimension of reality as well as other 3 dimensions (length, width, height). Therefore, god could not create a universe before universe itself exist because since space-time are un-separated dimensions, there is no room for god to create anything before that.”
Now I will show you
why god could not create a universe before universe itself exist. In Special
theory of Relativity by Einstein, which is a proven fact, the theory states
that the Space and Time are not independent of each other. There are is
just the un-separated dimensions as we could perceive it. It all start
when the scientist discovered that no matter at what speed they are, the
light speed would always the same at around 300,000 km/s. It never change
(in a vacuum). That is strange and seems to destroy our reasoning. You
see, every thing is relative. If I’m walking 3 km/hour and then I meet
another guy who walking at 5 km/hour. His speed relative to me would be
2 km/hours. Because the reason that we say “I’m walking at 5 km/hour and
that guy is walking at 5 km/hour” is because it’s the speed of us relative
to the earth’s surface. Therefore, in classical logic, if I’m flying real
fast at the speed of 1 km/second and the speed of light relative
to earth is 300,000 km/s , If I’m travel in the same direction with the
beam of light. I should measure the speed of light and get 299,999 km/s
(300,000 km/s of speed of light – 1 km/s of my own speed). But the fact
is no matter at what speed, the light speed would always be the same. This
is very confusing phenomena until Einstein discovered the theory of relativity.
Derive from a very abstract mathematics concept of Lorentz, he found that
the only way to make sense out of this is to let our 3 dimensional property
and time change according to our speed relative to the speed of light.
That mean, from all those hard equations, the faster we move, the smaller
we get, the greater our mass!, the slower the time around us is. One may
think how can one be smaller and yet gain more mass?!!! Well, mass in relativity
has a quite different meaning from classical physics which we learned.
Mass here increase as the speed increase because not only it carry its
own mass but it carry another type of mass that it gains through the speeding.
Every one saw this equation E = mc^2. It simply state that mass is energy
and energy is mass. It just emanate in different forms. Therefore,
the faster you go, the more energy you need, since energy is also mass,
when you have enough energy that allow you to go faster and faster, you
also gain more mass.
At this point, we could see that all dimensions are connected to each other
and could not be separate. It’s a like a functions that when you change
one, another also changes. As the faster you go, the slower the time relative
to you but not other which travel at a different speed. The best
imaginative example is called “the twin paradox” It said that if there
is the twin born on the same day, you send one with the space ship that
travels relatively close to that of the speed of light. And leave the other
child on earth. 50 earth years pass by, that child who you sent to space
come back. The child that stay on earth is at the age of 50 but the one
you sent out is only 4-5 years old. The reason is that of the change
in speed effects the change in the time also.
Now, let’s all get
back to our ancient original question.
Q : “How could god exist
before the very universe?”
A : Scientifically he could
not! Since the time and space are not separate, he can’t exist only in
“time” and create “space”.
Q: What do you mean? If
there is nothing in the universe, or as we say that there is still nothing
in the vast space of the universe, then he can create anything and it would
not violate any laws in physics, since nothing is there but time and empty
space. So god start his creation!!!
A : Well… That Newtonian
physics view, not a modern physics. That idea is wrong because there is
no true “empty” space, even in a vacuum that we thought it is nothing there
but an empty space. Every space could be view as a field, where you could
see the matter, there is a very dense fields in that point. Or you could
look that some of the Flyman’s diagram about that on every empty space
(in Newtonian physics), there is always some physics reaction from nothing
into something and to nothing again with in a few billionth of a second.
Q. I guess you have to explain
that about Flyman’s diagram more clearly.
A. Yes, I will but not
now. It will be our next discussion on Quantum Physics.
Q: OK, What is the conclusion
on this problem then?
A. The conclusion is that
the idea of “God is the beginning, he create everything before the formation
of all things.” Is WRONG! Since if god exist, there must be time which
allow him to exist. Since Space and Time are but the connected dimensional
function, once there exist the time, there must exist the space. Since,
they are no empty space in the universe but the great chain of physics
reactions, if the space exist then there must be a lot of reactions going
on already and they can’t be a reaction without the thing to react to,
therefore, god can’t create every things including the universe itself
because of all the reasons presented above. The whole concept of
““God is the beginning, he create everything before the formation of all
things.” Is nothing but a construction of thesis from the very primitive
knowledge of the universe. At this point, it is totally destroyed by the
approach of the modern physics.
Question : Ok Ok, If god
can’t be the beginning of the universe then, what is??!!!!
Answer : Good question,
let’s continue the journey into the big-bang big-crunch theory.
Continue :
- Concerns
The infinite cycles of universe according to Big Bang - Big model. (Is
there any place for creator? )
- Concerns
the misconception of nothingness according to Quantum physics. (If there
is no god, how could we exist?)