continue with the attempt to disprove the concept of “Beginning and Ending”
itself. Why do we think everything has its beginning and its end? Is it
because of our reason ? If it is, then are we sure that all our reasons
are valid? As I discussed before, we destroyed our previous reason and
develop our new reason from our knowledge of Relativity. Now, we shall
the argument to this reason
of “Beginning and Ending”. Let’s look at all thing around us, every thing
seems to have its Beginning and Ending. But that is just a very limited
scope of universe that we could observe. First, we must accept the fact
that the length of human’s life is so short compare to the stars and macroscopic
universe. It is to short to observe and construct the reason based upon
the true nature of universe. We based our reasons upon our ability to understand
and to observe the universe. Unfortunately, many of the recent scientific
understandings of the universe are not yet apply to the general public.
That is to say we basically view every physical events in our life more
or less in the scope of Newtonian Physics’ view of universe. What is the
Newtonian view of the universe then? Newtonian view is basically the understanding
events in term of our general
experiences. That is to say people think time and space are absolute and
could be separated. Time flow constantly and space (3 dimensions) remain
in constant no matter at what speed it travel. Such as to say 1 minute
on earth is the same with 1 minute on the surface of the sun if we use
the same watch, or to say no matter at what speed I’m running, my 3 dimensional
body remains in the same proportion. There can not be something out of
nothing. All things must
have its beginning and its ending. Those example of some ideas are Newtonian
view of universe. Which, by our knowledge in Quantum Physics and Relativity,
all relatively wrong. I believe that my article would be a good introduction
to “Quantum
Logic” for the readers.
In order to develop a new logic or reason on the topic of “Beginning and
Ending” let’s make a journey into the realm of macroscopic physics. The
Physics of the universe as a whole.
Our field
that we interested in this branch of science is of that “Big Bang – Big
Crunch Theory”. Although, we must accept that this theory is not yet proved
in all its structures. But it is the theory that is commonly acceptable
among leading physicists. The recent complains on Big Bang Theory are due
to the discovery that instead of the universe reducing its size after the
gravity of masses overcome the first expanding force in Big Bang. And also
many recent theories
attack Big Bang Theory.
But there are no other theory yet that could overcome the Big Bang and
it seems that those problems due to the structure of the classical big
bang theory not its concept. The very interesting approach to those problem
could be of the dark matters and the 4 dimensional boom-burst cycles are
just part of beyond 4 dimensional interpretation of Superstring theory.Since,
no one could really disprove Big Bang theory. Let’s continue
our journey. First (which
we would soon see that it is not really the original “first” but just a
relative “first”), the universe was in a very dense and hot state which
mainly caused the fusion nuclear reaction. It Bang out in every dimension
which we could relatively compare it to a balloon which is expanding. As
we all know, the heat is also a reaction from the fast-moving particles.
Since, it’s so hot in the first stage, no possible particle’s connection
could be form.
After the temperature cool
down, it formed some basic chemical connection from a single atom of Hydrogen
to Molecule and to Matter. From gas to matter. As you remember, since E
= mc^2, there always be all sort of particles in the universe even in the
beginning but it could not forms many kind of molecule etc… The warmer
the universe, the more matter in the universe. The universe would expand
until the total force of all matters’ gravity overcome the first “Big Bang”
force that spread the universe
outward. After the great overcome, the universe will reduces its size.
It will shrink faster and faster due to the increasing gravitational force.
At the end (relative end) the universe would crunches into itself
as one play the big bang in reverse. Because the universe sucks itself
with a tremendous speed, it creates two possibilities. It could end up
as singularity which would be an infinitely small point with an infinitely
mass. All known laws in Physics would not be valid anymore. Or another
more acceptable possibility, with our great development on the Inflationary
universe theory, because of the situation in the state of big crunch, it
would create another big bang. It would be the cycles of infinite big bangs
and big crunches.
At this
point, it destroyed all our concepts of “Beginning and Ending”, since
there is no real Ending or Beginning but just a relative one. Therefore,
in macroscopic, the reality that concern
time is infinite, not finite.
Although, this is not a cut and dry understanding, it require a lot more
detailed study because of its strangeness. Anyhow, this serve as our good
introduction to the infinite logic which overcome our finite (Beginning
and the ending of the universe) one.For a further study on the subject
I strongly recommend “The brief history of time” by Stephen Hawking. Or
such a home page as Stephen Hawking’s universe at
It would serve as a good introduction to the study of the subject. It will show you that all those concepts I described above is just a small part of this field. Now, let’s continue to our attempt to solve another Newtonian logic of “Some thing could not create from nothing” or “There must be an creator in order to have every thing.”. These statements would lead you to some understanding on “Quantum Physics”, which if, you still have your interests and continue reading it.