2. General Ideas of Modern Controled Political Economy(s).
1. Democratic Capitalism
is the system which used in Thailand and most of the modern countries,
which originally government should not regulate any of the market system.
The idea is of that the market would move itself via the differences of
demand and supply and seek its equilibrium. For example, if one store
sell a very high price for one product, a buyer would buy that product
from another store which the price of the product is cheaper. This , indeed,
forced the first store to reduce the prices to the normal price. This is
the example for one aspect on the idea of the market seeks its own equilibrium.
In this
system, freedom is as close to Anarchy and chaos. It based the idea that
humans is naturally good, therefore, they could control themselves in personal
life, social life and also business. Therefore, everything seek it own
great equilibrium. As time go on, they believed, that the rich and the
poor would not have the great gap as much as they used to.
In this system, the government
has least regulation on economical events. Unless some small parts in order
to protect the welfare of its citizens.
gap between riches and poors in this system, according to classical interpretation
of this system, will get closer and closer until there is a very small
or none gap between the two classes without the tense regulation from the
government. Although, I personally do not agree with the idea.
the welfares part do not belong to this system, the philosophy is based
upon the idea of compettition and equilibrium of the society without the
regulation from the government. That means the system would provide some
sorts of a standard living for the people in the system by itself.
2. Democratic Socialism
system of Political Economy based upon the concept of government regulation
on some fields, private sector (bussinesses) is under the fair regulation
from the government in order to keep the system in its best state. The
basic idea is that the market do not seek its equilibrium because human
based our activities upon the profits that we would get from our activities,
especially interm of Money. Since there is no limitation to our demand
of profits, the system would never seek its true equilibrium which ineffect,
the society would not seek its own equilibrium. For example, the gap between
the riches and poors would never get to the point where it should satisfy
the majority of the people in the society.
are many models of Economics that based upon this concept, such as that
government controls some important or nessesary part of the bussinesses
or services to control the well beings of the society. The model could
be that of the Democratic Capitalism with a tense government's regulation
also. As you could see, the differences between the models are very wide,
the example of this system could be any where from Present United Kingdom
to Plato's concept of Republic and even to Utopia by Sir Thomas Moore.
People still has all their rights and freedom. The elections for the government
are the same as Democratic Capitalism.
system itself owe its great identity basically from Karl Marx. In Thailand,
we could see the very concept in the work of Dr. Pridee Pranomyong.
3. Totalitarian Socialism and Communist nations.
Many people would say that these two types of system are not the same. Anyhow, it is very close and we have no space to provide its detailed. The basic idea is that all bussinesses and services belong to the government. Everybody works for the government, the government in turn give the people foods and all services. So that every one is equal in any aspect. The system is a radical interpretation of Marxist concept. No matter how it is intened to be, the system failed mainly because of that the whole system do not represent even close to the real economical states of the country. Also because of the limited rights and freedom that made it failed. The fact is the statement of "Power corrupted" since the communist system, the government has the ultimate power, it was also then a total corruption. It is proved by the history itself that the system does not work. Many people confused and think that Socialism and Communism is not the same, nothing could be more further than the truth. Socialism and Communism may has its root from Marx but they are not the same.