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                                      P  e  r  s  o  n a  l     I   n  f  o   :

Name : Sunit Shrestha

Egyptian Written name name.jpg (4896 bytes)

Nick name :  Nit, Nick

Birthday : 28 October 1981 C.E.

Addresses :

                4 D (L,W,H,T) Earthly Physical Reality ; 163/19 Soi 14 Baan Chollada, BangBuaThong, Nonthaburi 11110 Thailand

                CyberSpace Reality ; ,

                Ultimate Reality : With you.

Pager : 152 - 481403 (Phonelink Thailand).

Band : V-Shocx

Fav. Band : X japan, Angla, Symphony X

Fav. Colors : Black, Dark Blue

Fav. Stars : Claire Danes

Fav. Dishes : Escako, Hard Taco.

Fav. Books : The Tao of Physics, The little prince, Escape from the freedom, The sorrow of Satan. Click for more information

Fav. Sports : Tennis, Ice Skate, Roller Blade, Ski.

Fav. Movies : Powder, Ever After, What dream may come.

Fav. Comp. Games : Civilization, Capitalism.

Fav. Friends : Chaiyot, Banjerd, Supanat, All in my band.

Girl in my dream : The beauty and intellectual level as in "Ever After".

Personal Interests : Music (Progressive Rock & Classical), Science, Philosophy, Religions, Psychology, Economics, Political system and Occult Sciences. Click for more information

Heros : My grand Father, Geoge Soros, Yoshiki, Rachmaninoff, Fritjof Capra, Stephen Hawkins, Eric Fromm, C. J. Jung, A. Crowley and Joan of Arc.

Education :

    Pung Nuey pre-school.

    Thammapirak Rungpracha pre-school.

    St. Gabriel's College, Bangkok Thailand ; grade 1 - 11.

    Round Valley Hi-School, Springerville Arizona ; grade 12.

Honors and Scholarships :

    Honor-rolls from grade 1, 3, 6-10

    Silver medal on English's academical classes overall.

    Universal Cultural Exchange (UCE) 3 weeks program to NewZealand , 1995

    American Intercultural Students Exchange (AISE) 1 year program to U.S. Mid of 1998-99

    United States Navy's best Hi-school musician award (1999)

Student Government (Council) & Other positions :

