Your soul flew above the oceans, mountains, or even cilvilized hills....

just to begin the journey into the bottom of my heart.

Out of billions peoples on earth.. and also billions on other planets....

You found my soul, this GREY WORLD.

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As a human,they called me "Sunit Shrestha"

But when the wind of time blew any one to be my friends,

they often call me "Nit".

The day that I fall from my love place.. to earth is "28 October 1981"

I used to be lost in the Castle of Wisdom called "St. Gabriel's College"

On the wisdom's battle field called "Grade 1-11th".

Then, I won the battle... . . As a reward, I fly to the greatest  2nd. millenium country of the Eagle.

A year here without any stress.. .    .    .

If you want to connect our souls, just cast a spell at " (66-2) 152-481403"

Or, if you prefer, to open the gate of parallel reality and use your device as a pen and papyrus.

Then, pass it to " " and that's my sacred location.

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In this hopeless world.... still there're something that made me forget the reality.

which are .... music listening-playing-composing, computer stuff/net surf, books/poets reading-writting.

Although, the world is full of useless subjects but what I like is Philosophy, Religions, Psychology, Poetry, Quantum Macro-Micro sciences, Social & Economic analysing, Music and Occult science. But all of these couldnot be understand by part it and study, but to study with the holistic point of view.

Some people may say I'm crazy, but I can tell you that I am what I am.

And the music-band that really exist all the time in my heart is "X-japan"

My heros are..... Geoge Soros, Yoshiki, Rachmaninoff, Fritjof Capra, Stephen Hawkins, Eric Fromm, Sigmund Freud, Aleister Crowley and Joan of Arc.

I always be in grey.....motions, but the only friend that never lie to me and always stay with me in my moment of saddness is "Tam" It's a street dog I picked it up last 2 years ago. I love it more than some  peoples.

The musical instruments that can cry out my emotions
are Piano, Keyboard, Guitar, Drum, Recorder

For it is my longing to the memory of Magick, of love and wizard.
When I was so young, I'm one with my imagination, of lore and magick.
What would I ask if not for the blue flame of my soul?
Afterward, the illusion of science covered my seed of imagination.
I became but a defender of my ignorant, the one who is not yet awake,
to dismissed all possibility of the relam beyond physical reality.
Oh Adonai, I distrusted you once because of my ignorant.
For I thought you are thee, for I think Angla is but the creator,
for I think IHVH are but a person who is nothing but the creation
of our own sadistic desire.
For I know now that you are not "thee",
For no word could decribe this truth,
If one attempt, it is suddenly far from the truth.
For no one could say what Tao is.
Since you are not you, for to say "one", is not one.
If there is one, then there is separation,
Then, it is but a complete lie.
To say, "Wholeness" that may be the closest.
For thy names are but archetypes of the tree,
of the ultimate and unimaginable reality.
For Malkuth is in Kether, and Kether is in Malkuth,
"As above so below" Herme said.
For the Pentagram is the mystical form of Hexagram.
As Microcosm is but the image of Macrocosm.
Oh Shiva, I died in thy mercy.
Oh Vishnu, why thou keep my immortal soul?
Oh Brahma, why thou start it again and again?
Yea, with wisdom and understanding,
the trinity is all but our mind.
"The holy of the holy" as Rabbi said.
Be one with Ataman, only to beware that
ataman is just again, simply Maya.
Oh the unbreakable chain, once enlighted,
is but a chain of illusion. Behold! because it is yet a chain.
For now, with great understanding,
Space and Time disappeared !
Distance became the sum of ignorant.
Time transformed into but a line of the chain.
And now, no illusion is in vain.
For the ignorants, I'm insane.
For the wise, I disappear.
The chain, therefore, is the connection.
Of the reality beyond space-time.
This invisible chain is the key, if thou are wise.
"La Chef de Grand Mystery" as the beast 666 translated.
For Qabalist, it's the key to the 10 and 22.
For Enochian, it's the key to evoke the power of the 4 watch towers.
As nerve to the thought, the chain is to the change,
Yea, "Changes comformity with thou ture wilt"
For that, is the beginning.
And for all these lines, I just wilt to say,
"Magick is for all". 

As a human I was on the positions of
(SG = Saint Gabriel's College, F = Founder)